Joined-Up-Health-Connections for Mendip PCNs


This page will contain links to material not available on the HCM website or open sections of this website.

Introducing the HCM site Resources (40 minutes)


This is a guide to the resources available through the Health-Connections Mendip Website.

The key point to emphasise is that you will be able to use these resources to best effect when you’ve read and used them for yourself. AccuRx links are available also to direct patients to these resources.

To fully understand how these resources (and other related approaches) can impact a wide variety of mental and physical health see: Joined-up Health in Primary Care (The ‘Lost’ Update)

Minding our Language


Episode 1 (42 minutes total) Covers:

Basic concepts, Relevant Needs and Resources, Yes-sets, Summarising, Reframing, Yes-anding, some other tricks

the last 10 minutes on Nominalisations can be watched as a stand-alone section

Episode 2 (38 Minutes) Covers

Solution Focussed Questioning, The Miracle Question and Positive Goals,

along with a rough and ready 10 minute demonstration.

A summary of these techniques and suggested exercises for practicing them can be found here: